We believe in professionalism and trust
The best solution and create value in every iteration in order to keep your investment and allow you to achieve more with it.
Bio-Trade & Consulting has grown over the years, with wide range of business activities. There is no real secret to this growth, but there are some rules that we have tried to apply consistently over time, including: quick response to advances in the technologies; prompt revision of our internal processes to meet the changing demands of our clients and markets.
We truly believe in shared economic prosperity and toward that end, we seek and stress on our marked diversity. We fully believe in the ”human factor” as a source of inspiration and determination of business opportunities.
We believe in a social oriented policy as per our practice of redistributing or devoting part of our earns and incomes to communitarian activities. We aim to become more valuable to our clients by providing successful services at a competitive price in an efficient, timely and sustainable manner.
We have established stable relations with partners and Institutions in many countries. Our know-how, consolidated in years of practice, provides maximum comfort for our clients and partners. Our technologies and products correspond to International standards for quality, fulfilling all environmental conservation policies requirements. We truly believe in shared economic prosperity and, pursuing that end.

Always act and work as professionals.
Keep our clients’ information fully confidential.
Innovate and be strategic without loosing our vision and target.
“A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.”
Michael LeBoeuf

Luca M. Maraviglia
Co-Founder & CEO
Born in Rome to a family belonging to commercial aviation, he leaved his adolescence in eight countries in three different continents. After being awarded a B.S, degree in Mathematical logic and a Master degree in Philosophy of Science at the Pontifical Gregorian University, he served, from 1996 to 2011 as special adviser to H.Em.Cardinal Deskur, Founder and President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications.
Certain other appointments and collaborations followed with local and international companies mostly in the fields of corporate relations, financial advisor-ship and business development.

We truly believe in shared economic prosperity and toward that end, we seek and stress on our marked diversity. We fully believe in the ''human factor'' as a source of inspiration and determination of business opportunities.